In Blog, Cooking Tips

Raw Hemp Walnut Pie Crust

Butternut Squash Chevre Pie, think cheese cake, but here I used chevre, a creamy goat cheese that offers  protein, Vitamin A and calcium. The raw walnut/hemp seed crust is quick and easy to make, just whiz it in a food processor with a touch of vanilla extract and maple syrup. Walnuts and hemp seeds are a great vegan source of Omega 3 fatty acids, among many other vitamins and minerals. Press the ground nut mixture into a pie plate.

Now puree the baked butternut squash, chevre with spices like cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg and a little maple syrup, and a touch of almond extract. Spread it on top of the crust. Be sure to taste it first to make sure it is as sweet as you like. Then decorate and create a playful  garnish with nutritious and delicious walnuts, coconut and goji berries.YUM!

I brought this to a pot luck dinner party and within minutes, it was eaten. Hope you made something healthy, yummy and nutritious today, too.

I would love to teach you how to make this pie. Feel free to contact me for coaching for heath and vitality and cooking classes.

Have a great organic feast!

Be sure if you make something this yummy and bring it to a party that you make an extra one for you, too.

Butternut Chevre Pie with Raw Walnut and Hemp Crust

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