In Blog, Cooking Tips

Corn Grits with Sautéed Kale and Goat Cheddar Cheese

Cooking with the Seasons

Last night, I made a delicious variation of Corn Grits with Kale, and Goat Cheddar, a versatile recipe from my latest cookbook, Gluten-Free Recipes for the Conscious Cook. This time I cooked up different vegetables of this glorious autumn season: broccoli, leeks, kale and green bell pepper  and left out the melted cheese.  Served with a fresh dallop of Vegan Pesto, also a recipe from Gluten-Free Recipes for the Conscious Cook and a dallop of a Roasted Red Pepper Feta Dip, recipe from Going Wild in the Kitchen,.

Just loved it so much, swapped veggies, and this time used cauliflower, broccoli, red onions, thick garlic slices, goji berries and topped it off with chevre and olives. My friend and I goggled it all up.

Hope you have a great organic feast!

Leslie Cerier, The Organic Gourmet

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