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Natural, local stone for kitchen counters

As a Green Chef, cooking with local, seasonal, organic produce, it made sense to lessen my carbon footprint and pick out local stone from the local quarry for my kitchen counter.

Luckily, I live about an hour away from Ashfield Stone.

Picking out my stone required several visits. Which stone slab would look and feel right next to my brick oven? More stone in my passive solar home would also keep my home naturally cool in the summer. The “Pond Ice” Schist stone with ribbons of translucent cream and white, resembles cloud reflections in ponds.

Friends said it had the same feel of my Impressionistic Nature Photographs.

Pond Ice Ashfield Stone counter

And using a natural water based sealant meant that the stone has darkened over time. I did not want to use toxic finishes in my kitchen where I prepare organic farm to table vegetarian meals.

. Leslie in her kitchen by brick oven

Leslie Cerier, The Organic Gourmet  in her country kitchen nestled in the woods of Western Massachusetts, in Shutesbury. 

Thanks to Sarah Crosby for the photos of Leslie in her home kitchen.


Hey, if you are in the Amherst, MA area, and need a personal chef for that special occasion or need delicious food as medicine, please contact me.

And if you are looking for hands on organic farm to table cooking classes for your health and vitality, please contact me.

Want a Gourmet Getaway Retreat immersed in nature, that incorporates a nourishing environment with the art of self care, gourmet vegetarian, organic farm to table meals, and “loving kindness” hands on cooking classes.



Specializing in Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free and Plant Based Cooking for Health and Pleasure




Renowned Chef & Author


Gourmet Getaway Retreats


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