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buying local organic grass raised eggs from my neighbor and friend Kemper

Yesterday, my neighbor Matt bicycled over with 2 dozen farm fresh eggs in a basket. And we talked about whether to refrigerate them. And he said that if the eggs are fresh and never refrigerated, they will keep on the counter for 30 days.

As a chef, I know that starting with ingredients at room temperature quickens the cooking process. In fact, today, when I made my sunny side up eggs, they were done in about 2 minutes. 

Globally, we could reduce our carbon footprint if we had access to farm fresh organic pastured raised eggs.  Imagine if all eggs were sold off counters rather than from the refrigerator – what a difference that would make to our planet.

That would reduce our carbon footprint. 

And unrefrigerated fresh eggs will last for 30 days on the counter.

Generally, local, pastured raised organic eggs are tastier and have brighter orange yokes.

Enjoy farm fresh eggs. It will be a treat. And great for the planet.

Goat Cheese and Vegetable Quiche



                                                                              DR MARK HYMAN

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Specializing in Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free and Plant Based Cooking for Health and Pleasure

Photos by Tracey Eller




Renowned Chef & Author
Gourmet Getaway Retreats




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