In Blog
Omelette with edible flowers

Organic Vegetable and Cheese Omelette with edible flowers. A summer treat for brunch made with fresh organic kale, thyme, marjoram, nasturtiums and borage flowers from my garden. Bunching onions & yellow summer squash from my organic CSA, the Brookfield Farm; grass raised organic eggs and goat feta from the Amherst Farmers Market, and from my birthday lunch yesterday from my daughter, Michelle and our local coop, some incredible goat cheese from Vermont.

All these ingredients plus lots of love and slow cooking take this over the top.

Savor and enjoy every delicious bite!

I love changing the veggies and cheeses in my omelettes all year round for myself and guests that come to my for Gourmet Getaways.

I hope this post inspires you to grow your own organic garden or at least some fresh herbs in a pot indoors. And to cook from your heart with love.

And if you want to grow your own herbs indoors, please click here to see my blog, Grow Your Own Herbs

Please email me for available dates to book your Gourmet Getaway and stay at my Organic B&B

-We are grateful to have had the opportunity to cross our life paths with yours. Thank-you for a lovely stay and for welcoming us into your beautiful home. Clearly, this a space of care which you have created.

– Best, Maggie and Bill from Chicago, IL; July 21, 2019


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