In Articles, In the Press, Media Mentions

Toast-It-Bags allow gluten-free breads to be toasted without the chance of being contaminated by other wheat products. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times / March 18, 2013)


A by-no-means exhaustive list of resources follows. Please send us your favorites.

Celiac Disease Foundation, based in Studio City. Information, seminars and product shows, children’s summer camp.

Mayo Clinic. Information on health and gluten-free products.

It’s one of several celiac centers around the country.

The William K. Warren Medical Research Center for Celiac Disease, UC San Diego. Information, lectures online and referrals.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The federal agency has proposed a definition of gluten-free that should assure consumers about what’s in products. The limit is likely to be at 20 parts per million of gluten. Several sources said the final rule could be issued any time. Currently there are private certifying agencies whose seals appear on many products to designate them as gluten-free.


There are many books available, and many websites and blogs that offer recipes. A few of them:

“Real Life With Celiac Disease,” written by more than 50 experts who share patients’ stories and discuss treatments and lifestyle changes for people with gluten-related disorders.

“Gluten-Free Girl Every Day,” by Shauna James Ahern.

“Gluten-Free Recipes for the Conscious Cook,” by Leslie Cerier

“Weeknight Gluten Free” by Kristine Kidd

Other stuff

Toast-It-Bags. Many of the gluten-free breads taste better toasted, and in some homes that requires two toasters on the counter. But people can also slip a slice of gluten-free bread into the bag and put it in the toaster to prevent cross-contamination from other products in the toaster.

The Addiction Bistro, 408 N. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles. With an owner and chef who eat gluten-free, this is a popular restaurant for gluten-free dieters. Burgers, sausages, chili, pasta and ice cream all made in-house. Hot sauces, ketchups and mustards are made by chef Johnny Kovin.

If you must have a cupcake or a doughnut, Babycakes has ones that are free of gluten — as well as animal products. 236 N. Larchmont Blvd.

—Mary MacVean,0,1102634.story


Hey, if you are in the Amherst, MA area, and need a personal chef for that special occasion or need delicious food as medicine, please contact me.

And if you are looking for hands on organic farm to table cooking classes for your health and vitality, please contact me.

Want a Gourmet Getaway Retreat immersed in nature, that incorporates a nourishing environment with the art of self care, gourmet vegetarian, organic farm to table meals, and “loving kindness” hands on cooking classes.



Specializing in Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free and Plant Based Cooking for Health and Pleasure




Renowned Chef & Author
Gourmet Getaway Retreats


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