In Blog, Cooking Tips

Leslie Cerier's Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie

Today, I had fun making this Sweet Potato Pie, swapping ingredients and procedures and having it come out fine. First, I decided to swap hazelnut oil for virgin coconut oil. Got to admit, I do like the flavor of coconut better in pastries, but this vegan pie is still delicious. Then in my original procedure, I blended the pureed coconut butter (coconut manna) and water before adding all the ingredients for the filling. Today, I skipped the first step and shortened the procedure. I added and pureed all of filling ingredients: manna, water, sweet potatoes, spices, sea salt, chia seeds) and it came out fine. Except, I was a little overzealous with the nutmeg and it overpowered the flavor of the sweet potato and other spices. No worries, I looked up recipe first aid in The Quick and Easy Organic Gourmet, one of my cookbooks, and voila, I added a bit more sea salt and it balanced all the flavors perfectly.

The local, organic, sweet potatoes here in New England are in season.

I hope you will join me for Spice It Up! Creative Cooking with Herbs and Spices March 10-12, 2017 in the beautiful Berkshires of MA.., or for another cooking class soon

In the meantime, have a great organic feast!

Pumpkin/Sweet Potato Pie Pecan Pie

Photos by Tracey Eller






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