Boost Immunity: Cooking and Eating Tips My culinary journey begins in the garden. Yours may start in a farmers market, grocery store or coop. Here are some other cooking and […]
How Leslie Cerier Became The Organic Gourmet As a young girl, I loved to cook and eat. And when my grandma Ethel was getting on in her years, and I […]
Improvisational Cooking for Health and Vitality In this hands-on vegetarian cooking class, I present whole foods that are not just good for you, but also pleasurable and delicious.. Come cook [...]
This Thanksgiving, I made my Asian Slaw and Chocolate Coconut Mousse, 2 delicious vegan and gluten free dishes. Others were making dishes with vegan and vegetarian proteins. So I was […]
These cookies are simple to make and kids of all ages love em. They are gluten free, vegan, rich and satisfying. Makes 15 (3-inch round) large cookies or 2 dozen […]
Cilantro Pesto is great on pasta and super inside vegetarian sushi. Today, I ventured beyond just adding salad greens, hemp seeds and black sesame seeds to my exotic organic Jade […]
I am looking forward to being back in Salvador’s gorgeous organic gardens at Rancho La Puerta Organic Spa in Mexico. It is always my pleasure to create the menus for […]