Hands On Cooking for Health & Happiness In this hands-on vegetarian cooking class, I present whole foods that are not just good for you, but also pleasurable and delicious. Come […]
Vegetables, here’s how to make the sweetness root vegetables. Slow roasting local, organic root vegetables brings out their natural sweetness. And in the wintertime, the heat of the oven [...]
Cooking Class for Women’s Health and Pleasure I had originally called these cooking classes, Women’s Health, Navigating from Perimenopause to Post Menopause. Then [...]
How to Strengthen Your Immune System As I was making greens and tahini sauce today with tofu. I was recalling teaching it to a new client this past Sunday. She […]
How to make tasty food as medicine was the theme of the private hands on 3 hour cooking lesson, I taught last week. I already knew my client’s dietary preferences […]
In this private hands on organic farm to table vegetarian cooking class for health and pleasure, I will teach you how to expand your cooking repertoire with tofu and herbs. […]
In this video, Leslie Cerier, The Organic Gourmet shows you how to make a quick & easy, beautiful, vegetarian stir fry. Mix and match veggies. Eat the rainbow.
3 different delicious, vegan, gluten free dishes with black beans and carminative herbs and spices to create global flavors, reduce flatulence, & aid digestion
With sesame flavored quinoa as the centerpiece of my private hands on cooking lesson on zoom, I taught my client how to change texture and enhance its flavor.
Quick and easy cooking organic green leafy vegetables in tahini sauce with tofu. One pot meal: delicious, creamy, dairy free, vegan, yummy and gluten free dish.
Organic Vegan Salads in Jars These vegan salads in jars is for one of my weekly Personal Chef Clients’ favorites. She enjoys flipping it into her bowl when she’s ready […]
My winter risotto typically has butternut squash and shiitake mushrooms. I make a stock with dried burdock and shiitake mushrooms, black peppercorns, bay leaves & a variety of root [...]
On this episode of Energy Matters, The Organic Gourmet’s Leslie Cerier joins us to talk about luscious living with food. Leslie is a self-taught vegetarian chef, cookbook author, teacher, [...]
Private Hands on Cooking Class on Zoom with Leslie Cerier, The Organic Gourmet: The playful mix and match of colorful, organic, delicious, seasonal vegetables, whole grains, and more to [...]