How Leslie Cerier Became The Organic Gourmet As a young girl, I loved to cook and eat. And when my grandma Ethel was getting on in her years, and I […]
Reviewing this blog from May 19, 2016, Change from the Inside Out, I find the themes still relevant today. 5/19/16 This morning, as I looked around my newly painted kitchen, […]
Healthy Beautiful Edible Nasturtium Flowers are fun to eat. The other day, feeling a little rushed for time, I went into my garden and harvested about a dozen nasturtium flowers […]
A recent shopping trip to my local coop brought up a delicious memory. The abundance of organic meyer lemon trees filled with ripe fragrant lemons. Everyday, while training chefs […]
Falafel is fun to make & easy to be creative. You can mix and match a variety of herbs and spices. Swap healthy fats, too. It's gluten free, vegan, vegetarian.
Nutritional yeast makes a cheesy, vegan Alfredo Sauce. Brings back yummy memories teaching Improvisational Cooking for Health & Vitality @ Esalen Institute.
Being in an organic farm and garden, I feel nourished. And inspired to teach you how to cook from scratch. These days on Zoom, and I look forward to being in person post Covid.
"In the kitchen, feet planted on the ground; shoulders down; breathing easy; see, touch, smell, taste, experience it all as this moment slips into the next."
Smiling at the memory of teaching my hands on farm to table cooking class at Esalen Institute and showing how to make these delicious, absolutely scrumptious Chocolate Chip Hazelnut Brownies, [...]
A banquet feast of farm to table organic vegetarian dishes; every time I teach, right before we eat, we share our learning experience: cooking with new ingredients. In the photo […]
Beautiful organic edible flowers make a meal gorgeous. One of the things I love about teaching cooking is inspiring folks to engage their senses, cook from their hearts, be mindful, […]
My friend Linda came to Esalen Institute when I taught 2 hands organic farm to table vegetarian cooking classes. She had a revelation after eating my buckwheat pancakes. The quick […]
“Gather Ingredients grown with love: cook and serve with love.” Leslie Cerier February 19-26, 2016, I taught 2 hands on organic, vegetarian, farm to table cooking workshops at Esalen [...]
From pale yellow to deep red, organic nasturtium flowers are easy to grow. In fact, they reseeded themselves in my organic garden. Their mildly peppery taste is a great addition […]
Welcome, I‘m Leslie Cerier I want to inspire you to live a super luscious life. What is a super luscious life? Living to the max: eating healthy, exercising joyfully, […]