CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal) August 15, 2013 – Why is everyone going gluten free these days and how can you do it? Leslie Cerier, the Organic Gourmet, came onto Mass […]
Leslie Cerier, The Organic Gourmet shows us, live on TV, how to make delicious organic, roasted root vegetables. Leslie offers lots of vegetarian, vegan and gluten free recipe ideas and cooking [...]
Dark chocolate isn’t just delicious, it’s great for your heart. Leslie Cerier on Mass Appeal, NBC TV Affiliate shows you how to make your own truffles with cacao, coconut oil, maca, and [...]
How to Make Quinoa and Shiitake Mushroom Pilaf Leslie Cerier, The Organic Gourmet Chef, Cookbook Author and Cooking Teacher cooks up her recipe for Quinoa Shiitake Mushroom Pilaf. Leslie also [...]
If you are looking for organic, vegan options in the new year, Leslie Cerier, the Organic Gourmet Chef, showed us her recipe for miso ramen noodle soup. February 6, 2018 […]
CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal TV; January 21, 2015) – Fiber makes you feel full and is important to your overall health. The Organic Gourmet, Leslie Cerier from showed us how [...]
CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal) – Santa loves cookies so you better get baking! Leslie Cerier, The Organic Gourmet Chef and Educator from, shared a simple and healthy cookie recipe [...]
CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal TV; September 12, 2014) Going gluten-free doen’t mean you have to go dessert-free! Leslie Cerier, The Organic Gourtmet from, showed us how to [...]
CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal TV May 12, 2014; NBC affiliate) Are you trying to be gluten free but hating your options? Don’t fear because we’ve got delectable dessert options with […]
CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal TV; February 19, 2014) – Even though watching your weight can be difficult, it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the foods you love, like chocolate! […]
CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal TV; NBC affiliate; Dec 30, 2013) – Craving something sweet and guilt free? Leslie Cerier, the Organic Gourmet, showed us how to make a healthy chocolate […]
CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal TV; December 12, 2013) – This year wow your guests at your holiday party with some delicious dips that you made yourself! Leslie Cerier, the […]
CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal TV) – Stuffing is an age old Thanksgiving favorite, but with all of this gluten free talk, how can we modify our recipes to meet the […]
CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal) – Take the guilt out of fries and make some healthy ones! Leslie Cerier, “The Organic Gourmet, Chef, Author, and Cooking Coach shares 2 delicious [...]